Flags for Heroes Fall 2020
Flags for Heroes will be flying at Veteran’s Park November 7th to 14th to honor Veterans, Active Military, and First Responders.
Flag Installation
Veteran’s Park
To Honor COVID19 Healthcare Professionals and First Responders
June 13th to June 20th
Our club is was proud to present the Flags for Heroes Display at Veterans Park in June 2020.
Flags were installed from June 13th to June 20th. We are grateful to our sponsors who helped us make this great event happen. ALL proceeds went to our four core charities, Williamsburg House of Mercy, Grove Christian Outreach, The Arc of Greater Williamsburg, and Literacy. We will also provide dictionaries for all 3rd graders in WJCC and scholarships for local high school students to attend vocational schools.
Sponsorship Information Sheet and Instructions
Personal sponsorships through Eventbrite
Thanks to Our Sponsors!
Flag day Level sponsors
Chesapeake Bank & Chesapeake Wealth Management
Merrill Lynch, Rowe Denner Harmon Wealth Management
King Wealth Management
WMBG THE BURG FM 93.5 AM 740 Williamsburg’s Radio Station
Stars Level sponsors
John & Kathy Bradish
Military Order of the Purple Heart, Chapter 1754
Sal & Carmelina Trifiletti
Laura Feltman
Ron & Neva Lynde
Bud & Adele Robeson
Melinda Snow
Blue Level sponsors
Bill & Joani Wallis
Tony & Mary Lou Vallone
Newport Hospitality Group
Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 957
Roger & Gail Saunders
City Center Tax Group
Montgomery, Kelley & McKinnon
Home Care Associates
Brian & Tina Christie
Jeff & Melanie Platte
Chesapeake Bank & Chesapeake Wealth Management honoring Clay Swartz, Meredith Swartz RN, Barry Clark, Melissa Tonsetic, Betty Paulus, Tracey MacDonald, Debbie Moriarty, Dr. Rocco Basciano, Dr. Pranav Parikh, Chrissy Tobias RN, Bethany Camacho RN, Julie Byrum RN, Nurse Chelsea Cochran, Lindsey Henry NP
Merrill Lynch, Rowe Denner Harmon Wealth Management honoring Michelle Lightfoot, The Phillips Family, Michael Dahler, Lindsey Hammer, Jennifer Bobak, Susan Stoddard, Sentara Williamsburg Healthcare Professionals and Riverside Doctors' Hospital Healthcare Professionals.
WMBG honoring Dr. Christopher Ciccone, Police Officer Aundrea Holiday, Firefighter Frank White, Firefighter Eric Stone, Wmsbg Volunteer Firefighter Troy Lapetina, Fire Chief David Eagle, Fire Captain Bradley Beam, Firefighter Cary Middlebrook, and Deputy Fire Chief Larry Snyder.
Anonymous honoring Respiratory Therapist Opal Robinson at Broward Health, FL, and Newport News Solid Waste staff members Uganda Whitaker – Operations Superintendent, Solid Waste Collections, Curtis Garnett – Crew Supervisor C, Solid Waste Bulk Collections, Darrell Baskin – Crew Supervisor C, Solid Waste Special Collections and Carlos Abner – Crew Supervisor C, Solid Waste Automated Refuse Collections.
Ron & Neva Lynde honoring Sentara Williamsburg Staff: Beth Fletcher Davis, BSN; ICU Staff: Nancy Clements, RN; Talisha Rodgers, RN; Audrey Stiles, RN; Ray Mercado, RN; Amanda Ramon, RN; Allison Roger, RN; Stephanie Munday, RN; Madeline Bernal, RN; Kiara Jenkins, Nursing Care Partner
City Center Tax Group honoring Nurse Ellen Garriss and Nurse Ashley Redinger
Home Care Associates honoring Juanita Mason
Jeff & Melanie Platte honoring Dr McAllister and neurosurgery team, Riverside NN; Melanie Platte
Bill & Joani Wallis honoring Amy McAllister, Tony Pleasant, Marie Swenson, Ericka Elgert and healthcare providers who are members of King of Glory Lutheran Church
Tony & Mary Lou Vallone honoring Father Arthur A. Fertig, fought in WWII European theater, and Father Anthony F. Vallone, Sr, fought in WWII Pacific
Anonymous honoring Sentara Williamsburg Staff: Dr. Susan Lessner Boesler, Emerg Dept Chair; Nancy Bosio-Pickett, Manager, Environmental Services Department; Danielle Calabrese, RN; Theresa Engbersen, RN
Hal and Anne Campbell honoring Gordon L. Howell, Corporal, US Army, WWl, and Malcom G. Howell, Sergeant, USMC, WWll
Ms. A.L. Barrett honoring Samuel L. Grant, Captain, US Army, WWll
Victor & Dakota Holman honoring CPT Bruce Topping, Ms Yvonne Harris, LT Johnnie McRoy, Dr Kimberly Kaminer and Dr Jon Kaminer
Michael Harrison, Sr honoring Dr. Anita Clayton and Nurse Brenda Clayton
Patricia Martin honoring Michael Kelley Martin, USN(Ret)
Holly Yohe honoring Steve Johnson, USPS and Doug Jenkins, USPS
Tim & Rita Collins honoring the Kingsmill Police Department
Rod & Mac Bubeck honoring the Healthcare Professionals at Patriots Colony at Williamsburg and the EMTs and Firefighters of JCC Station 5
Javier Fuentes, State Farm, honoring Dr. Indrit Reso and Ryan Miller
Elisabeth Reiss honoring Bobbie Peter Anselmi and John Wailes
Bill & Mary Fox honoring EMTs and Firefighters of JCC Station 2
Dick & Frankie Gillem honoring Elizabeth Ann Gillem, RN, IC nurse, New Orleans LA, and Frances Avery Gillem, Ensign, USCG
Carol Mitchell honoring Amanda Waggoner, PA-C of Pariser Dermatology and the Firefighters and EMTs at JCC Fire Station #5.
John & Mary Enright honoring Nurse Mary Louise Enright of Virginia Commonwealth University Children’s Hospital, WWII veterans and fathers Oscar Walter Sellars and Edward Thomas Enright, Sr.
Kris Magnusson honoring in loving memory Bob and Patti Magnusson
Military Order of the Purple Heart, Chapter 1754 honoring in loving memory Hulda Smith
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 957 honoring in loving memory COL (Ret) Te-Ata Hery
Beth Fletcher Davis honoring Staff at Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center and Riverside Doctors Hospital
John & Kathy Bradish honoring Wally Erck and EMTs and Firefighters at JCC Station #2
Paul & Mary Miyamasu honoring LT Katherine Miyamasu, USN; 1Lt Courtney Miyamasu, USA; 2Lt Lauren Rogers, USAF
Bud & Adele Robeson honoring all the WJCC teachers and staff
George Bull honoring in loving memory Hulda Smith
Katie Patrick honoring Aaron Whitehead, City of Chesapeake Firefighter, Station 5, and The Ladies of Grove Christian Outreach
supporting sponsors
Rufus & Shirley Harris
Frederick & Linda Adamchak
Michael & Meg Hendricks
Jack & Gisela Clark
Joseph & Teresa Landrum
James & Alice Bowles
Marsha Friedland
Karen & David Levy
Judy & Steve Luek
Michael & Ann McHenry
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
Patti & Doug Ettus
Sam Daniel
Betty Ann Davis
Norman & Gisela Fashing
Mike Hendricks, Johnson, Gaskin and Baxter LLP
Chip & Becky Crews
Lana Robinson
Lynne & Ken Eismann
Ellen Simon
Tim & Rosaura Dykstra
Larry & Debbie Vandoren
Terry Lovvorn, Williamsburg Rotary
Jodi Fisler
Bill & Mary Fox
Gary Ellis & Susan Judd
Rod & Mac Bubeck
Tim & Rita Collins
Patricia Martin
Victor & Dakota Holman
Virginia Peninsula Military Officers Association (VIPMOAA)
Bill & Joann Kansier
Ed & Carol
Katie Patrick